Y Kromozom Mikrodelesyonu
Y chromosome microdeletion is one of the most common genetic disorders associated with male infertility.
Y Chromosome Microdeletions seen in 10-15% of infertile men.
It is associated with deletions in chromosome regions called “Azoospermia Factor (AZF)” and divided into 3 parts (AZFa, AZFb, AZFc).
Partial or complete deletions in one or more of these regions cause very low or no sperm production.
Our Kit
- KrosMelt Y-Microdeletion Real-Time PCR Kit includes 8 STS regions, SRY and ZFX/Y regions, including AZF-a,b and c regions.
- KrosMelt Y-Microdeletion Real-Time PCR Kit works with Real Time PCR method.
- KrosMeIt Y-Microdeletion Real-Time PCR Kit" based on SYBR GREEN defines 10 regions in a total of 5 separate tubes.
PCR Instruments validated for use with our Kit
- Roche LightCycler 480
- Roche LightCycler 96
- Roche LightCycler Nano
- Qiagen Rotor Gene Q
- Qiagen Rotor Gene Series
- Corbett Realtime PCR
- BMS Mic
- Biorad CFX Connect
- Biorad CFX96
- Applied Biosystem ABI 7500
- Applied Biosystem ABI 7500 Fast
- Applied Biosystem ABI StepOne
- Applied Biosystem ABI StepOne Plus
- Thermo Scientific Quant Studio 3-5-7
- Agilent Aris Mix
- Slan Realtime PCR
- Tianlog Genesy
- Stratagene Mx3500p